CloudNativePG 1.24.0 RC1 Released!

Gabriele Bartolini
July 30, 2024 • 3 minutes
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The CloudNativePG Community is thrilled to announce the release of the first candidate for CloudNativePG 1.24! This release candidate showcases all the features expected in the final version of CloudNativePG 1.24, although some details may still be refined during this preview phase.

For detailed information on the features and changes in CloudNativePG 1.24, please refer to the release notes.

Get Involved and Make a Difference!

In true open source spirit, we strongly encourage you to test the new features of CloudNativePG 1.24 on your systems. Your testing and feedback are crucial in helping us identify and resolve any bugs or issues. While we do not recommend using CloudNativePG 1.24 RC1 in production environments, we urge you to simulate your typical application workloads with this preview release.

Your involvement ensures that the final release of CloudNativePG 1.24 upholds our high standards of stability and reliability, maintaining its status as one of the world’s most popular open source operators for PostgreSQL in Kubernetes.

For more details on our preview testing process and how you can contribute, read more here.

CloudNativePG 1.24 Feature Highlights

Distributed PostgreSQL Topologies

CloudNativePG 1.24 significantly enhances the replica cluster feature, enabling the creation of distributed database topologies for PostgreSQL across multiple Kubernetes clusters. This supports hybrid and multi-cloud deployments, offering:

  • Declarative Primary Control: Use declarative configuration to easily specify which PostgreSQL cluster acts as the primary in a distributed setup.
  • Seamless Switchover: Demote the current primary and promote a selected replica cluster, typically in a different region, without needing to rebuild the former primary. This ensures high availability and resilience in diverse scenarios.

Managed Services

CloudNativePG 1.24 introduces managed services through the stanza, allowing you to:

  • Disable the read-only and read services via configuration.
  • Leverage the service template capability to create custom service resources, including load balancers, to access PostgreSQL outside Kubernetes—particularly useful for DBaaS purposes.

Enhanced API for Synchronous Replication

A more powerful API has been introduced to control the configuration of PostgreSQL synchronous replication, supporting both quorum-based and priority list strategies. This update allows full customization of the synchronous_standby_names option, providing greater control and flexibility.

WAL Disk Space Exhaustion

Version 1.24 includes a critical safety measure to handle WAL disk space exhaustion. Instead of a potential chain of failovers when PostgreSQL runs out of disk space for WAL files, the cluster will safely stop. This prevents the cluster from entering an unrecoverable state and simplifies recovery by allowing for the manual expansion of the affected volume.

There’s More…

Explore the release notes for 1.24 RC1 to discover additional enhancements in CloudNativePG, including declarative delayed replicas, transparent support for PostgreSQL 17’s allow_alter_system, postInitSQLRefs, postInitTemplateSQLRefs, and numerous observability improvements.


The stability of each CloudNativePG minor version greatly depends on you, the community. Test the upcoming version with your workloads and tools to identify bugs and regressions before the general availability of CloudNativePG 1.24. Your feedback and testing will help validate the new features, so please test it soon. The quality of user testing helps determine when we can make a final release.

A list of open issues for the 1.24 release is publicly available on our GitHub project. You can report bugs directly from GitHub.

Preview Release Schedule

This is the first release candidate of CloudNativePG 1.24. The CloudNativePG maintainers will release additional RC versions as required for testing, until the final release, currently planned for the end of August 2024.

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Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement with CloudNativePG!

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