
Physical replication is one of the strengths of PostgreSQL and one of the reasons why some of the largest organizations in the world have chosen it for the management of their data in business continuity contexts. Primarily used to achieve high availability, physical replication also allows scale-out of read-only workloads and offloading of some work from the primary.


This section is about replication within the same Cluster resource managed in the same Kubernetes cluster. For information about how to replicate with another Postgres Cluster resource, even across different Kubernetes clusters, please refer to the "Replica clusters" section.

Application-level replication

Having contributed throughout the years to the replication feature in PostgreSQL, we have decided to build high availability in CloudNativePG on top of the native physical replication technology, and integrate it directly in the Kubernetes API.

In Kubernetes terms, this is referred to as application-level replication, in contrast with storage-level replication.

A very mature technology

PostgreSQL has a very robust and mature native framework for replicating data from the primary instance to one or more replicas, built around the concept of transactional changes continuously stored in the WAL (Write Ahead Log).

Started as the evolution of crash recovery and point in time recovery technologies, physical replication was first introduced in PostgreSQL 8.2 (2006) through WAL shipping from the primary to a warm standby in continuous recovery.

PostgreSQL 9.0 (2010) enhanced it with WAL streaming and read-only replicas via hot standby, while 9.1 (2011) introduced synchronous replication at the transaction level (for RPO=0 clusters). Cascading replication was released with PostgreSQL 9.2 (2012). The foundations of logical replication were laid in PostgreSQL 9.4, while version 10 (2017) introduced native support for the publisher/subscriber pattern to replicate data from an origin to a destination.

Streaming replication support

At the moment, CloudNativePG natively and transparently manages physical streaming replicas within a cluster in a declarative way, based on the number of provided instances in the spec:

replicas = instances - 1 (where  instances > 0)

Immediately after the initialization of a cluster, the operator creates a user called streaming_replica as follows:



Due to a pg_rewind requirement, in PostgreSQL 10 the streaming_replica user is created with SUPERUSER privileges.

Out of the box, the operator automatically sets up streaming replication within the cluster over an encrypted channel and enforces TLS client certificate authentication for the streaming_replica user - as highlighted by the following excerpt taken from pg_hba.conf:

# Require client certificate authentication for the streaming_replica user
hostssl postgres streaming_replica all cert
hostssl replication streaming_replica all cert


For details on how CloudNativePG manages certificates, please refer to the "Certificates" section in the documentation.

Continuous backup integration

In case continuous backup is configured in the cluster, CloudNativePG transparently configures replicas to take advantage of restore_command when in continuous recovery. As a result, PostgreSQL can use the WAL archive as a fallback option whenever pulling WALs via streaming replication fails.

Synchronous replication

CloudNativePG supports the configuration of quorum-based synchronous streaming replication via two configuration options called minSyncReplicas and maxSyncReplicas, which are the minimum and the maximum number of expected synchronous standby replicas available at any time. For self-healing purposes, the operator always compares these two values with the number of available replicas to determine the quorum.

Synchronous replication is disabled by default (minSyncReplicas and maxSyncReplicas are not defined). In case both minSyncReplicas and maxSyncReplicas are set, CloudNativePG automatically updates the synchronous_standby_names option in PostgreSQL to the following value:

ANY q (pod1, pod2, ...)


  • q is an integer automatically calculated by the operator to be:
    1 <= minSyncReplicas <= q <= maxSyncReplicas <= readyReplicas
  • pod1, pod2, ... is the list of all PostgreSQL pods in the cluster


To provide self-healing capabilities, the operator can ignore minSyncReplicas if such value is higher than the currently available number of replicas. Synchronous replication is automatically disabled when readyReplicas is 0.

As stated in the PostgreSQL documentation, the method ANY specifies a quorum-based synchronous replication and makes transaction commits wait until their WAL records are replicated to at least the requested number of synchronous standbys in the list.


Even though the operator chooses self-healing over enforcement of synchronous replication settings, our recommendation is to plan for synchronous replication only in clusters with 3+ instances or, more generally, when maxSyncReplicas < (instances - 1).