Use cases

CloudNativePG has been designed to work with applications that reside in the same Kubernetes cluster, for a full cloud native experience.

However, it might happen that, while the database can be hosted inside a Kubernetes cluster, applications cannot be containerized at the same time and need to run in a traditional environment such as a VM.

Case 1: Applications inside Kubernetes

In a typical situation, the application and the database run in the same namespace inside a Kubernetes cluster.

Application and Database inside Kubernetes

The application, normally stateless, is managed as a standard Deployment, with multiple replicas spread over different Kubernetes node, and internally exposed through a ClusterIP service.

The service is exposed externally to the end user through an Ingress and the provider's load balancer facility, via HTTPS.

The application uses the backend PostgreSQL database to keep track of the state in a reliable and persistent way. The application refers to the read-write service exposed by the Cluster resource defined by CloudNativePG, which points to the current primary instance, through a TLS connection. The Cluster resource embeds the logic of single primary and multiple standby architecture, hiding the complexity of managing a high availability cluster in Postgres.

Close-up view of application and database inside Kubernetes

Case 2: Applications outside Kubernetes

Another possible use case is to manage your PostgreSQL database inside Kubernetes, while having your applications outside of it (for example in a virtualized environment). In this case, PostgreSQL is represented by an IP address (or host name) and a TCP port, corresponding to the defined Ingress resource in Kubernetes (normally a LoadBalancer service type as explained in the "Service Management" page).

The application can still benefit from a TLS connection to PostgreSQL.

Application outside Kubernetes